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Re: Lenny RAID+LVM Lilo/Grub Error

> As you say, there some solutions, e.g., booting off a teeny-tiny flash SSD,
> but nothing really satisfactory.  Having /boot on a RAID 1 partition is not
> really any more satisfactory than that, although it does avoid a separate
> device.  At one time, I would have booted from floppy, but that is no longer
> practical.  A boot CD?  Not really easily done, but possible.  (The trick
> would be automating the process.  Don't want to require someone to always be
> there to hit two arrow keys and Enter, I expect.)

Maybe IDE-> CF adapter and a 256Mb CF card would do for /boot, as it
doesn't need to be
very big.

Should be possible? I might give this some consideration myself and
then have two RAID5 arrays (one for media, one for system/home with
LVM perhaps).


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