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Re: request for a mono vote.

O/H Ron Johnson έγραψε:
On 2009-07-25 12:06, Πρεκατές Αλέξανδρος wrote:
As a dedicated debian user i want to express my concerns and worries regarding mono inclusion in main
and i  ask for a vote for mono in non-free/main because:

1) I feel like microsoft is not clear about the license issues.
2) MS is a monopoly in desktop OS market and its monopoly aggresive behavior has been proven in courts and is evident every day. see netbook market for example. Wouldnt a pro-ms pro-monopoly move harm the excellent name Debian has build? 3) Is essential to me and the way i perceive the debian identity to has a clear position out of middleware rivalries of
multinationals companies not favoring or taking sides.

+1 for a voting procedure.

As a consumer of other people's free labor, you get NO "vote".
Sorry for the vote. . I mean an informal poll. But your remark is little aggresive and personal. Maybe i am what you claim but i'm not a proven monopolist having harmed the social well being with exclusionary conducts. Are you missing the big players here?

However, if you feel strongly about it, install popcon and mononono (from http://tim.thechases.com/mononono/).

I'm not passionate about it. Are u dispassionate about it? Did u try to look my angle ?

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