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A program for remote logging of times events from email?

I was looking at a device similar in concept to http://www.getpeek.com and was interested in the theoretical possibility to log timeclock events similar to this device by being able to read a starter line in an email like

//////(this would be some sort of activation string)
mrblahblah(some sort of pre-known user)
doing blah blah blah (similar to any kind of note about the action)

then the mail client automatically would log that event to a timed log until receiving an input.

Of course this could be done in Perl or some other random programming language but this might be nicer to do from a remote command. Basically I only have 2 requirements

1. email dispension of the commands

2. use of automatic processing so it's not just me logging the events by hand into some sort of spreadsheet or mysql database.

thanks in advance.

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