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Re: is it possible to install a desktop-manager without python and perl?

On Jun 22, 2009, at 9:18 PM, 明覺 wrote:

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 10:18 PM, John Hasler<jhasler@debian.org> wrote:
明覺 writes:
yes, currently it's true, but I hope one day I will be able to take full control of my system, and modify them as i like, if I have those other language programmed softwares installed in my system, it will be hard to
maintain for me.

If learning enough of another language to do maintainence is hard for you
you aren't much of a programmer.  Programming is not about knowing a
Yes, language is just a tool, so I want to keep my tool simple and
powerful, I do not want so many similar tools with the same functions.

Boy, I didn't realize that by "junior programmer" you meant you were that inexperienced in the field. I don't know if you realize that you've just basically said you are either unwilling or unable to understand the different reasons for different languages.

EACH language is a tool, and each one is a DIFFERENT tool with a DIFFERENT purpose.

It is rarely a whim why a programmer picks one language over another. There are often several, if not many reasons why one language is more appropriate and better for a job than another is.

But there's no point in continuing any discussion. You've made it quite clear you're too busy being right to care what anyone more experienced has to say -- unless it's what you want to hear.


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