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mutt tip (was ... Re: Top posting vs Bottom posting)

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 06:08:35PM -0400, Chris Jones wrote:
> What mailer are you referring to? I use mutt and it threads messages
> reliably, flagging malformed mails that it adds to a thread when it

You can see what mailer he is using if you put in your .muttrc:

# What headers are displayed
ignore *
unignore From Date Subject To Cc User-agent X-Mailer

# What order the headers are displayed
unhdr_order *
hdr_order X-Mailer User-agent From Date To Cc Subject

and for added spice create a  ~/configs/colours file.
You will need to source the file in your .muttrc, i.e.:

---- .muttrc ---
source ~/configs/colours
---- ~/configs/colours ----
# valid colors : white, black,  green,  magenta,
#                blue,  cyan,   yellow, red,
# Each color comes in plain (red) and bright (brightred)
# color thisthing foreground background [arguments]
color normal    white default
color attachment black cyan
color hdrdefault cyan default
color indicator black green
color markers   red default
color index green default ~N   # New
color index magenta yellow ~T  # Tagged
color index red default ~D     # Deleted
color index blue default ~O    # Old
#color index red white '~f cron'
#color index red white '~f Anacron'
#color index brightyellow black "~b '\ name.{0,9}\=.{2,30}\.zip'"
#color index red yellow '~f root'
color quoted   blue default
color quoted1  green default
color quoted2  magenta default
color quoted3  yellow default
color header   blue default ^X-Spam-Status:
color header   blue default ^X-Spam-Status:
color signature red cyan
color status   yellow blue
color tilde   blue default
color tree   red default
color header blue default ^User-agent:
color header   blue default ^From:
color header   blue default ^To:
color header   blue default ^Date:
color header   blue default ^Reply-To:
color header   blue default ^Cc:
color header   red default ^Subject:
color body   red default [\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+
color body   blue default (https?|ftp)://[\-\.,/%~_:?&=\#a-zA-Z0-9]+
# Errors will be printed in red:
color error brightred brightdefault

# GPG/PGP related color directives:
#mono   body            bold                    "^gpg: Good signature"
#mono   body            reverse                 "^gpg: Bad signature from.*"
#color  body            brightblack     cyan      "^gpg: Signature made.*"
#color  body            brightblack     green     "^gpg: Good signature from.*                                     "
#color  body            brightblack     yellow    "^gpg: Can't check signature                                     .*"
#color  body            brightblack     yellow    "^gpg: WARNING: .*"
#color  body            brightwhite     red       "^gpg: BAD signature from.*"
(sorry, if it wraps. I have vga=791 in my /boot/grub/menu.lst, and dont
have any  prob. Those colours may not be suitable in an X terminal.)

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god
than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other
possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
                                           -- Stephen F Roberts

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