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Re: Lenny: which arch for a Intel Core 2 Duo?

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
On Monday 2009 January 05 14:28:35 Mark Allums wrote:
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
Usually, there's no data loss, but some settings might "go away" in OS X
each time you boot into OS Y (e.g. the name of the configuration option
changed and the newer version in OS Y keeps renaming it to the new name
that the older version in OS X doesn't understand) or applications might
crash on startup (e.g. newer version in OS Y writes a newer value that
older version in OS X doesn't handle).  In theory, there could be data
loss, but it's never happened to me.
Uggh!  Don't say OS X!

My "OS X" is pronounced "oh ess eks".
Apple's "OS X" is pronounced "oh ess ten".

But, yeah, I thought it could possibly be confusing while I was writing it, but decided the context would make it clear.

It clear.  Me make joke.  Small, small joke.  No confuse.

marK allumS

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