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BandwidthD [Was bandwidth logger/report]

Hi There,

I am trying to make BandwidthD working, on the official web site, it stating it will need:

libpcap, libgl and libpng

which should be (correct me if i am wrong) = libpcap07, libpng12-0
but i could not find libgl, which on debian.org will resulting many other packages

installing bandwidtd with deb package will have problem with dependencies:


and even when I try to install those 3 dependencies, it will create another list of package dependencies...

So, how far I can install the dependencies with apt-get -m command?

I never use these packages, which makes me unsure where the package can be terminated
E.g. apt-get install -m libgd2-noxpm libgd2-xpm libpng12-0
which will ignore any dependencies on those 3 packages

I havent try installing with -f, the reason is that I do not want to install un-necessary package on the system

any comments and suggestions?

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