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Re: Grub dilemma

2008/10/18 Frank <Debian@videotron.ca>:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> 2008/10/18 Frank McCormick <debian@videotron.ca>:
>>>  I am not installing Ubuntu - it's already installed on hda3. I say
>>> again I want to install another Linux on hda3 which uses Lilo...not
>>> Grub. I'm asking whether Lilo will screw up Grub. I don't know whether
>>> the install will give me the option to skip installing Lilo. If it does
>>> there is no problem...but if it doesn't will there be a problem.
>> If the distro writes LILO to the MBR, then yes that will destroy grub.
>> Do you feel confident that you can restore grub from the boot disk in
>> the event that it is needed? It is a trivial task but only for those
>> who have done it before. In any case, be sure to back it up.
> No I have never done it before - got any good web sources for info...or
> maybe I just google it.

These two remain in my Bookmarks:


But google as well, and if you have access to another 'net-enabled
computer that might help to to google if you get stuck in the middle.
Failing that, if you are stuck and have no computer to boot, you can
can me but I'm no expert either: (972) 54-788-1700.

Dotan Cohen



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