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Installing fonts in Lenny (use defoma?)

I'm wondering about the most correct way to install a TrueType font in
Lenny. What I did:

Downloaded http://hiran.in/content/fonts/rufscript/Rufscript010.ttf
Moved rufscript010.ttf into ~/.fonts/
Ran 'fc-cache ~/.fonts/'

And now I can use the font from all of my fontconfig-aware apps (all the
important ones: iceweasel, gvim, etc). Yay!

But then I thought I should register it with defoma, being the Debian
way, and maybe so any non-fontconfig programs could find it. Read lots
of man and doc pages, then ran into Bug #285653
(http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=285653) which is
almost 4 years old.

Does anybody know of any good guides to installing fonts in Debian?

- Chris Burkhardt

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