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Re: how to put another distro's stanza in menu.lst

Mumia W.. wrote:

That allows me two advantages: I can use chain-loading for the secondary OS's, and each Linux OS has perfect boot stanzas in their respective /boot/grub/menu.lst files.

Good idea.

I recommend installing Grub under FC9, but install it to the superblock of /dev/sda13--NOT the MBR. You should then have a perfect boot stanza written to Fedora's menu.lst.

I did 'grub-install /dev/sda13' in Fedora (Fedora has only two
partitions, / is /dev/sda13 and /home is /dev/sda14).

As you say, I do not want to touch the mbr of sda. The above command
created some files in /boot in FC9:
# ls /boot
config-2.6.25-14.fc9.i686    initrd-2.6.25-14.fc9.i686.img
config-  initrd-
efi                          System.map-2.6.25-14.fc9.i686
grub                         System.map-

Before this command, there was nothing much there, only efi and grub
(which had the splash image).

Now, if understand this right, with that rootnoverify stuff in Debian
grub, that entry will lead me to FC9's grub, correct? In that case, I
still don't have the grub.conf in FC9's grub. How do I go about getting
that? grub-install seemed not to work in that regard.


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