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Re: Miss Manners (Debian Edition): Release Critical Bugs

On 2008-09-15 19:29 +0200, Eric Gerlach wrote:

> I know this is probably better asked on debian-devel, but I honestly
> don't want to subscribe for this one question.
> I'm setting up some new servers that will be deployed with lenny, but
> there's a module source package that I want to use that doesn't build
> using m-a.  It was already reported as a bug, and is fixed in
> sid. However, the bug only has severity "important", so the package
> isn't migrating due to the freeze.
> I've commented on the bug, but haven't received a reply from the
> maintainer yet.  Assuming that module sources count, this is a FTBFS
> bug, so it's release critical.  What is the most polite option if I
> don't hear back in the next two weeks or so?

Set the severity to serious and explain why an upgrade is needed for

> Can (and should) I upgrade the bug (although already closed) to
> serious?

Yes, that's what I would do.

> Can (and should) I request a freeze exception myself?

You _can_ do this, but you _should_ leave this to the maintainer; he
probably can judge whether the package from unstable should migrate or
it is better to upload a fix to testing-proposed-updates.  Plus, the
release team will not give the opinion of a random user much weight.

> Should
> I file another bug with serious severity saying that it FTBFS?

If there's an existing bug, reuse that one.

> P.S. If the maintainer of the package in question is reading this
> right now, and you just haven't had a chance to get a freeze-exception
> yet, that's okay!  I just want to know that it will make it for
> release! Thanks for your hard work!

You're being rather vague, mentioning neither the package nor the bug
number, so I'm not certain if the maintainer will recognize that he is
meant, even if he reads this list.  So, what is the bug number?


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