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Re: Increase of un-usable PDF usage.

2008/6/27 Mike Mestnik <mmestnik@visi.com>:
I would really appreciate a website that outlined these issues that I
could direct ppl too, after they send me content that is not readable.

Good idea. Why not set one up? You could make a page on ghostscript.com or set up your own site at whatswrongwithpdf.org or some other suitable domain. If the latter, there are plenty of hosts that will provide you with a domain, a little bit of web hosting space and a web site building tool for a $20/yr or less (or you can roll your own if you know how).
Would you object to me using the list archives?

Given that the list archives are publicly accessible, there shouldn't be a problem. The only snag is that (as Ron pointed out) the list archives are Debian specific. Users on other OSes might find this confusing. Since you want to explain why they should be more careful about PDFs, without confusing them, you're probably better of setting up a generally-applicable page/site, as outlined above.


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