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Re: Debian on laptop

Am Sonntag, 15. Juni 2008 15:34 schrieb Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso:
> On 15/06/2008, Bernd Kloss <b_kloss@web.de> wrote:
> >  Did you leave this monitor - beamer (I suppose, your external monitor
> > was a beamer for lectures) the way described above?
> I didn't use a video projector for that particular test I mentioned in
> my review, just an external monitor. The resolution for my screen did
> adjust a little, so that I couldn't see all of the screen in my
> laptop, but I could see all of it in the monitor.
> Later I tried to do the same trick with Debian, after I wiped Ubuntu.
> The results were similar, except that the CRT/LCD key no longer
> worked, and if I wanted the projector to see my laptop, I had to
> restart X. If I started X with the projector connected, the resolution
> adapts to the projector, not the monitor.
> By the way, I think "beamer" is a German term. I have never heard it
> used by English speakers. Wikipedia calls it a pseudo-anglicism. The
> only reason I know what "beamer" means is because I was curious why
> the LaTeX beamer package was called like that. :-)
I did not know that. Probably the same with mobile/cellular phone or what ever 
and our "handy".

> > This now is working fine, I get a clone of the LFP over beamer. But
> >  I have problems playing video-DVDs and other formats like flv-files
> >  downloaded from youtube (for instance Dr. Quantum). The beamer shows the
> > icon bar of kaffeine, but not the movie whereas on LFP I can see it.
> >
> >  Did you have the same problems and if so, how did you solve them?
> No, I had no such problems. I could play video fine on the projector.
> The only annoyances were resolution not matching properly between
> laptop screen and projector. I am sorry I cannot help you more.
> - Jordi G. H.

Thank you

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