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Re: debian sid & gnome


I've come accoss a similar problem, that my apt-get or aptitude wanted to remove my gnome, gtk, etc. Almost ervery core module of gnome i think.(see attached for the result of apt-get autoremove -s)
I also guess sid's dependency may be broken recently.



2008/6/14 Dietrich Bollmann <diresu@web.de>:

Thanks for all the answers :)

I am trying to answer to all of them at once...

Here my initial posting:

> Since weeks I can't update debian sid as apt-get always wants to
> remove gnome:
>   apt-get dist-upgrade
>   [...]
>   The following packages will be REMOVED:
>   epiphany-extensions fast-user-switch-applet gnome
>   gnome-desktop-environment gnome-system-tools k3b libavcodeccvs51
>   libavdevicecvs52 libavformatcvs52 libavutilcvs49 liboobs-1-3
>   libpostproccvs51 libswscalecvs0 libuim5 scim-uim
>   [...]
> As I couldn't find any mails from other users about this problem, I
> finally wonder if there is something wrong with my system.
> Should I continue to wait for some more weeks until finally gnome can
> be updated again or is there some better way to proceed?

The temporary solution seems to be, as Daniel, Magnus and HS proposed,
to use aptitude rather than apt-get or synaptic.

The following sequence updated most of my system:

 aptitude update
 aptitude safe-upgrade
 aptitude -s full-upgrade
 aptitude full-upgrade

Concerning the latter command, I followed the advice of HS:

 Aptitude usually tells you what is broken and what is the suggested
 resolution. If you do not accept the suggestion, it gives you
 another different one and so on until you accept one or just quit
 the upgrade.

and only accepted a partial solution.

Aptitude still doesn't know about any final solution and still wants to:

 Remove the following packages:

which I am rejecting.

This update / upgrade procedure removed the kde meta package which, as
Tom pointed out, didn't "hurt too much as it won't remove anything
except the meta package itself".  Also I am currently mostly using
gnome anyway.

Even if my system is in a somehow inconsistent state now, I can live
with this situation until the problem is solved and a new version of
gnome and kde can be installed.  The most important thing is that I
still can update the rest of my system. In Joe's words:

 some of the time, the sid repositories are in an inconsistent state,
 and a bit of patience is required. Looking at the current rate of
 updates, about 70MB a day for my 2200 packages, this is not entirely

and also:

 so that's a matter of waiting

Concerning aptitude vs. apt-get / synaptic, Daniel said:

 The algorithms used to solve dependencies are different, so
 sometimes they'll produce different results.  aptitude has more
 facilities for showing why it's doing what it's doing, which is why
 I suggested it.

As the problem seems to concern all people using gnome on debian sid
(Daniel: [...] broken gnome-system-tools [...] broken kdenetwork
[...]), but still I couldn't find other postings about the problem, I
suppose that most of the people using debian sid rather use aptitude
than apt-get or synaptic to update their system and do not mind
packages listed as broken too much :)

To cite Daniel again:

 So, these are the dependencies it's trying to resolve.  The big
 problems for you are probably the broken gnome-system-tools (which
 is required by gnome-desktop-environment) and the broken kdenetwork
 (which is part of kde).  In the case of kdenetwork, you can't
 upgrade it until kde is rebuilt for your architecture -- according
 to packages.debian.org, packages like dcoprss are only at 4:3.5.9-2
 on amd64, hppa, and ia64 so far.

 gnome is broken because gnome-desktop-environment depends on
 gnome-system-tools, which depends on both system-tools-backends and
 liboobs-1-3; however, the new version of system-tools-backends
 conflicts with liboobs-1-3.  So the version of gnome in sid just
 can't be installed at all, ever.

 In other words, neither of these packages can be upgraded right now.

I am happy to wait :)

Thank you all for your help,



Thanks to Ron for teaching me about:   apt-show-versions -u | sort

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debian:/home/reeyarn# apt-get autoremove -s
æ­£å?¨è¯»å??软件å??å??表... å®?æ??
æ­£å?¨å??æ??软件å??ç??ä¾?èµ?å?³ç³»æ ?       
æ­£å?¨è¯»å??ç?¶æ??ä¿¡æ?¯... å®?æ??       
The following packages are not usedï¼?
  libmono-addins-gui0.2-cil sg3-utils ekiga libgsf-gnome-1-114 python-opengl libmono2.0-cil python-gst0.10 libmtp7
  libmono-security1.0-cil gcalctool gthumb sharutils cupsys-common libpth20 gnuchess-book gnome-nettool
  gnome-games-extra-data libgtk-vnc-1.0-0 libgksu1.2-0 python-notify dia-libs libglade2.0-cil libglib2.0-cil
  libmono-sharpzip0.84-cil ncompress libgnome-mag2 python-gnome2-extras gucharmap libgksuui1.0-1 gnome-games libmagick++10
  libgconf2.0-cil dnsutils libmono-system-web1.0-cil gnome-cards-data gthumb-data lzop cli-common ggzcore-bin gnome-mag
  rhythmbox w3c-dtd-xhtml libmono-corlib1.0-cil gimp-gnomevfs gtk2-engines-pixbuf system-config-printer libplot2c2
  python-gtkglext1 libdns32 libart2.0-cil libpt-1.10.10-plugins-alsa gnome-themes seahorse libggzmod4 whois libsgutils1
  vinagre gnumeric-common libpt-1.10.10 xulrunner-gnome-support libgpod3 libisccc30 festlex-cmu dasher guile-1.8-libs
  libelfg0 libgnome2.0-cil python-gtkmozembed python-gtkhtml2 p7zip gnome-themes-extras libgoffice-0-6-common libbrlapi0.5
  finger libmono-addins0.2-cil pstoedit gnome-orca liblwres30 gnome-volume-manager dia-gnome gtk2-engines
  libmono-system1.0-cil eog python-4suite-doc dasher-data gnome-backgrounds python-eggtrayicon python-brlapi gok
  libgtk2.0-cil mono-gac libggz2 python-ctypes festlex-poslex libmono1.0-cil vino libbind9-30 libmono-data-tds1.0-cil
  libmono-i18n1.0-cil libwmf-bin gnome-games-data festvox-kallpc16k libmono-system-data1.0-cil libmono-system-web2.0-cil
  libgtkhtml2-0 libgoffice-0-6 libmono-sharpzip2.84-cil libopal-2.2 libgpod-common gimp libgnome-speech7 libgimp2.0
  mono-runtime libgmime-2.0-2a libisccfg30 python-cups gnome-core libc-ares1 dia-common dmz-cursor-theme python-4suite-xml
  libcolorblind0 gnumeric python-pkg-resources festival libpt-1.10.10-plugins-v4l libgpgme11 libggzcore9 gconf-editor
  libgc1c2 gnuchess libisc32 libgsl0ldbl totem gnome-accessibility-themes unace libxp6 gimp-data libgnome-vfs2.0-cil
  perlmagick inkscape libavahi-ui0 libgtkglext1 libmono-cairo1.0-cil gstreamer0.10-tools freeglut3 libpstoedit0c2a
  gimp-python file-roller serpentine libntfs-3g24 sound-juicer
The Following Packages would be [Removed]:
  cli-common cupsys-common dasher dasher-data dia-common dia-gnome dia-libs dmz-cursor-theme dnsutils ekiga eog festival
  festlex-cmu festlex-poslex festvox-kallpc16k file-roller finger freeglut3 gcalctool gconf-editor ggzcore-bin gimp
  gimp-data gimp-gnomevfs gimp-python gnome-accessibility-themes gnome-backgrounds gnome-cards-data gnome-core gnome-games
  gnome-games-data gnome-games-extra-data gnome-mag gnome-nettool gnome-orca gnome-themes gnome-themes-extras
  gnome-volume-manager gnuchess gnuchess-book gnumeric gnumeric-common gok gstreamer0.10-tools gthumb gthumb-data
  gtk2-engines gtk2-engines-pixbuf gucharmap guile-1.8-libs inkscape libart2.0-cil libavahi-ui0 libbind9-30 libbrlapi0.5
  libc-ares1 libcolorblind0 libdns32 libelfg0 libgc1c2 libgconf2.0-cil libggz2 libggzcore9 libggzmod4 libgimp2.0
  libgksu1.2-0 libgksuui1.0-1 libglade2.0-cil libglib2.0-cil libgmime-2.0-2a libgnome-mag2 libgnome-speech7
  libgnome-vfs2.0-cil libgnome2.0-cil libgoffice-0-6 libgoffice-0-6-common libgpgme11 libgpod-common libgpod3
  libgsf-gnome-1-114 libgsl0ldbl libgtk-vnc-1.0-0 libgtk2.0-cil libgtkglext1 libgtkhtml2-0 libisc32 libisccc30 libisccfg30
  liblwres30 libmagick++10 libmono-addins-gui0.2-cil libmono-addins0.2-cil libmono-cairo1.0-cil libmono-corlib1.0-cil
  libmono-data-tds1.0-cil libmono-i18n1.0-cil libmono-security1.0-cil libmono-sharpzip0.84-cil libmono-sharpzip2.84-cil
  libmono-system-data1.0-cil libmono-system-web1.0-cil libmono-system-web2.0-cil libmono-system1.0-cil libmono1.0-cil
  libmono2.0-cil libmtp7 libntfs-3g24 libopal-2.2 libplot2c2 libpstoedit0c2a libpt-1.10.10 libpt-1.10.10-plugins-alsa
  libpt-1.10.10-plugins-v4l libpth20 libsgutils1 libwmf-bin libxp6 lzop mono-gac mono-runtime ncompress p7zip perlmagick
  pstoedit python-4suite-doc python-4suite-xml python-brlapi python-ctypes python-cups python-eggtrayicon
  python-gnome2-extras python-gst0.10 python-gtkglext1 python-gtkhtml2 python-gtkmozembed python-notify python-opengl
  python-pkg-resources rhythmbox seahorse serpentine sg3-utils sharutils sound-juicer system-config-printer totem unace
  vinagre vino w3c-dtd-xhtml whois xulrunner-gnome-support
å?±å??级äº? 0 个软件å??ï¼?æ?°å®?è£?äº? 0 个软件å??ï¼?removing 152 packagesï¼?æ?? 2 个软件æ?ªè¢«å??级ã??
Remv libmono-addins-gui0.2-cil [0.3.1-5]
Remv libmono-addins0.2-cil [0.3.1-5]
Remv cli-common [0.5.7]
Remv cupsys-common [1.3.7-7]
Remv dasher [4.7.3-1]
Remv dasher-data [4.7.3-1]
Remv dia-gnome [0.96.1-6]
Remv dia-common [0.96.1-6]
Remv dia-libs [0.96.1-6]
Remv dmz-cursor-theme [0.4.1]
Remv gnome-nettool [2.22.0-1]
Remv dnsutils [1:9.5.0.dfsg-1]
Remv ekiga [2.0.11-2.1]
Remv gnome-core [1:]
Remv eog [2.22.2-1]
Remv festvox-kallpc16k [1.4.0-5]
Remv festlex-poslex [1.4.0-5]
Remv festlex-cmu [1.4.0-6]
Remv festival [1.96~beta-7]
Remv file-roller [2.22.3-1]
Remv finger [0.17-12]
Remv python-opengl [3.0.0~b1-2]
Remv freeglut3 [2.4.0-6.1]
Remv gcalctool [5.22.2-1]
Remv gconf-editor [2.22.0-1]
Remv ggzcore-bin []
Remv gimp-python [2.4.6-1]
Remv gimp-gnomevfs [2.4.6-1]
Remv gimp [2.4.6-1]
Remv gimp-data [2.4.6-1]
Remv gnome-accessibility-themes [2.22.2-1]
Remv gnome-backgrounds [2.22.0-1]
Remv gnome-games [1:]
Remv gnome-games-data [1:]
Remv gnome-cards-data [1:]
Remv gnome-games-extra-data [2.22.0-1]
Remv gnome-mag [1:0.15.0-1]
Remv gnome-orca [2.22.2-1]
Remv gnome-themes [2.22.2-1]
Remv gnome-themes-extras [0.9.0.deb0.3]
Remv gnome-volume-manager [2.22.1-1]
Remv gnuchess-book [1.00-2]
Remv gnuchess [5.07-4.1]
Remv gnumeric [1.8.3-1]
Remv gnumeric-common [1.8.3-1]
Remv gok [1.3.7-1]
Remv gstreamer0.10-tools [0.10.19-3]
Remv gthumb [3:2.10.8-1]
Remv gthumb-data [3:2.10.8-1]
Remv gtk2-engines [1:2.14.2-1]
Remv gtk2-engines-pixbuf [2.12.10-2]
Remv gucharmap [1:2.22.1-1]
Remv guile-1.8-libs [1.8.5+1-1]
Remv inkscape [0.46-1+b1]
Remv libgnome2.0-cil [2.20.1-1]
Remv libart2.0-cil [2.20.1-1]
Remv vinagre [0.5.1-1]
Remv libavahi-ui0 [0.6.22-5]
Remv libbind9-30 [1:9.4.2-10]
Remv python-brlapi [3.10~r3724-1]
Remv libbrlapi0.5 [3.10~r3724-1]
Remv libc-ares1 [1.5.1-0]
Remv libcolorblind0 [0.0.1-1]
Remv libisccfg30 [1:9.4.2-10]
Remv libdns32 [1:9.4.2-10]
Remv libelfg0 [0.8.10-2]
Remv libgc1c2 [1:6.8-1.1]
Remv libgconf2.0-cil [2.20.1-1]
Remv libggzmod4 []
Remv libggzcore9 []
Remv libggz2 []
Remv libgimp2.0 [2.4.6-1]
Remv serpentine [0.9-5]
Remv python-gnome2-extras [2.19.1-2]
Remv libgksu1.2-0 [1.3.8-1]
Remv libgksuui1.0-1 [1.0.7-2]
Remv libglade2.0-cil [2.12.1-1]
Remv libgtk2.0-cil [2.12.1-1]
Remv libgnome-vfs2.0-cil [2.20.1-1]
Remv libglib2.0-cil [2.12.1-1]
Remv libgmime-2.0-2a [2.2.21-1]
Remv libgnome-mag2 [1:0.15.0-1]
Remv libgnome-speech7 [1:0.4.19-1]
Remv libgoffice-0-6 [0.6.3-1]
Remv libgoffice-0-6-common [0.6.3-1]
Remv seahorse [2.22.2-3]
Remv libgpgme11 [1.1.6-2]
Remv libgpod-common [0.6.0-5]
Remv rhythmbox [0.11.5-5]
Remv libgpod3 [0.6.0-5]
Remv libgsf-gnome-1-114 [1.14.8-1]
Remv libgsl0ldbl [1.11-2]
Remv libgtk-vnc-1.0-0 [0.3.6-2]
Remv python-gtkglext1 [1.1.0-3.1]
Remv libgtkglext1 [1.2.0-1]
Remv python-gtkhtml2 [2.19.1-2]
Remv libgtkhtml2-0 [2.11.1-2]
Remv libisccc30 [1:9.4.2-10]
Remv libisc32 [1:9.4.2-10]
Remv liblwres30 [1:9.4.2-10]
Remv pstoedit [3.45-3]
Remv libpstoedit0c2a [3.45-3]
Remv libmagick++10 [7:]
Remv libmono-cairo1.0-cil [1.9.1+dfsg-1]
Remv libmono2.0-cil [1.9.1+dfsg-1] [libmono-system-web2.0-cil ]
Remv libmono-system-web2.0-cil [1.9.1+dfsg-1]
Remv libmono1.0-cil [1.9.1+dfsg-1]
Remv mono-runtime [1.9.1+dfsg-1]
Remv mono-gac [1.9.1+dfsg-1]
Remv libmono-system-web1.0-cil [1.9.1+dfsg-1]
Remv libmono-system-data1.0-cil [1.9.1+dfsg-1]
Remv libmono-sharpzip0.84-cil [1.9.1+dfsg-1]
Remv libmono-data-tds1.0-cil [1.9.1+dfsg-1]
Remv libmono-security1.0-cil [1.9.1+dfsg-1]
Remv libmono-system1.0-cil [1.9.1+dfsg-1]
Remv libmono-i18n1.0-cil [1.9.1+dfsg-1]
Remv libmono-corlib1.0-cil [1.9.1+dfsg-1]
Remv libmono-sharpzip2.84-cil [1.9.1+dfsg-1]
Remv libmtp7 []
Remv libntfs-3g24 [1:1.2310-1]
Remv libopal-2.2 [2.2.11~dfsg1-4]
Remv libplot2c2 [2.5-2+b1]
Remv libpt-1.10.10 [1.10.10-2]
Remv libpt-1.10.10-plugins-alsa [1.10.10-2]
Remv libpt-1.10.10-plugins-v4l [1.10.10-2]
Remv libpth20 [2.0.7-10]
Remv sg3-utils [1.24-2]
Remv libsgutils1 [1.24-2]
Remv libwmf-bin []
Remv libxp6 [1:1.0.0.xsf1-1]
Remv lzop [1.02~rc1-2]
Remv ncompress []
Remv p7zip [4.57~dfsg.1-1]
Remv perlmagick [7:]
Remv python-4suite-doc [1.0.2-5]
Remv python-4suite-xml [1.0.2-5]
Remv python-ctypes [1.0.2-5]
Remv system-config-printer [0.7.81-4]
Remv python-cups [1.9.31-1]
Remv python-eggtrayicon [2.19.1-2]
Remv python-gst0.10 [0.10.11-1]
Remv python-gtkmozembed [2.19.1-2]
Remv python-notify [0.1.1-2+b1]
Remv python-pkg-resources [0.6c8-3]
Remv sharutils [1:4.6.3-1]
Remv sound-juicer [2.22.0-1]
Remv totem [2.22.2-3]
Remv unace [1.2b-6]
Remv vino [2.22.2-1]
Remv w3c-dtd-xhtml [1.1-5]
Remv whois [4.7.26]
Remv xulrunner-gnome-support []

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