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Re: conf management for many debian boxes

On Sun Jun 08, 2008 at 11:55:17 +0200, Gilles Mocellin wrote:

> At first, I'd recommend you to look at puppet or cfengine.


  There is a brief introduction to this here:


  I use it at home on 3 machines (10+ xen guests) and at work for
 150+ machines.  It scales nicely, can copy configuration files across
 and handle package installation, configuration, and removal.

  Puppet is the "new" one, and is nicer in many respects, but
 there aren't packages for Sarge at least - so that might be a

 (It wasn't around when I started using CFengine; now if I had to
 choose for Etch+ systems I'd probably go with puppet, but at the
 same time the implementation is mostly irrelevant.  It comes down
 to knowing what you want to achieve - and no tool is going to
 make that too easy...)

> You always need to think, else, bad things always find a way to happen !

  Indeed.  I've not done it yet, but I do have a vague fear that
 if I don't test things adequately I'll ruin the configuration
 of 150+ machines - might take only a minute or two to fix each
 one, but the thought of having to login to each host and do manual
 fixups fills me with fear ;)

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