Re: The 'Good old days (WAS:Re: Aptitude Version: eat my memory after update...)
On Fri, Jun 06, 2008 at 06:24:47AM -0700, David Fox wrote:
> On 6/5/08, Marc Shapiro <> wrote:
> >
> > It almost makes me yearn for the days of my first computer... a TRS-80
> > Model III that came with 16KB RAM and 16KB ROM which I upgraded to the max
> > of 48KB RAM and 16KB ROM. Then I remember that that machine, at twice the
> Mine was (if you don't count the TI-59 :) a TRS80 Model 1 w/16K,
> stringy floppy tape.
> I knew this hardware guy who helped later on stuff in a 64k RAM and we
> could burn our own custom ROMs, and added a few extra touches, like a
> speedup switch so it could run twice as fast.
Yeah, I had a Timex/Sinclair 1000 Z-80 with 64 K ram (if I attached the
add-on ram block). It came with basic built-in (keywords on the
membrane keyboard) but I also learned machine code on it. There was no
assembler program so I did it all on paper and entered it directly into
a memory block and then somehow (I forget) got that to run. Z-80 was a
nice little CPU and easy to program.
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