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Re: Running testing? -- read this.

I'm sure there is some documentation i read on this, but as the testing release has been brought up, 
thought i'd take advantage of the knowledge from you guys who have been using it a lot. 

On sidux running Debian sid, it was recommended to do a 'apt-get dist-upgrade' regularly (ie, every few 
weeks). Is this the case with lenny/sid which is what i installed yesterday. 

If so, how frequently would you recommend i do this. And, should this be done using 'apt-get dist-upgrade' 
or are there other tools i can use. I only ask because sidux has 'smxi' which (i'm sure you know anyway) 
runs a script that makes the process, and troubleshooting, easier for users who aren't as experienced. 

Sorry for thread-jacking, but thought it was kinda relevant to the topic. 


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