Re: [Totally OT] Re: Hmmm. A question. Was [Re: Debian is losing its users]
On Friday 11 April 2008 08:52:10 pm Steve Lamb wrote:
> Mike Bird wrote:
> > You're mistaken Steve. Individuals pass on their tax costs to
> > corporations in the form of higher wage demands. Individual income tax
> > should be zero. Corporations should be taxed on their profits in order to
> > pay for the infrastucture and military necessary for corporations to
> > conduct business within the state.
> I agree, individual income tax should be 0. You'll note that Paul does
> not agree with that. But sorry, you are mistaken. We do not pass our tax
> costs to corporations in the form of higher wage demands.
Sure we do. If employers know people are happy with what they're taking home
after taxes, and income tax went to 0, you can bet that employers are going
to cut wages by the difference in taxes to squeeze out the extra profit. And
in the case of publicly traded companies, it would be in the interest of
their shareholders to do so.
Paul Johnson
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