Re: [Totally OT] Re: Hmmm. A question. Was [Re: Debian is losing its users]
On Fri April 11 2008 20:18:33 Steve Lamb wrote:
> You are an idiot. Yes, corporate taxes are paid by corporations who
> pass the the bill onto individuals. It was 0% before and its 0% now.
> Individuals paid it then and individuals pay it now. You just want it back
> because it's a secret tax on the individuals that you don't have to
> justify. 20% tax on the poor? Way to go Paul!
You're mistaken Steve. Individuals pass on their tax costs to corporations
in the form of higher wage demands. Individual income tax should be zero.
Corporations should be taxed on their profits in order to pay for the
infrastucture and military necessary for corporations to conduct business
within the state.
--Mike Bird
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