On Fri, April 4, 2008 11:57 am, Ron Johnson wrote:
> Is there a problem with that? (I must not be understanding your
> point...)
Nope. The message I was responding to had responded to Paul stating
that there is a 1-2% increase, measurable by the tools cited, if one
compiled all programs and libraries for the specific architecture they
will be running on. This was after Paul pointed out that selected
applications are already compiled for targeted platforms if they get a
significant speed boost but that a total targeted compile for all of
Debian would be a waste of DD time and mirror space for the negligible
My point was that the 1-2% measurable increase from compiling the rest
of programs and libraries that are not currently targeted compiled would
probably be measured in idle time since most programs and most libraries
are doing just that these days. Just because 1-2% can be measured from
an overall targeted compile does not mean it is meaningful in real world
Steve Lamb
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