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Re: just like the old days (TeTeX to TeXLive)

* Douglas A. Tutty (dtutty@porchlight.ca) wrote:

  |>  TeXLive is in Etch, you didn't have to go to Lenny...

Sigh ... well, thank you. This is good to know.

* Florian Kulzer (florian.kulzer+debian@icfo.es) wrote:

  |>  Run the following two commands and post the output:

  |>  find /usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/ -type f | while read FILE; do BASENAME="${FILE##*/}"; echo "checking $BASENAME: $(kpsewhich $BASENAME)"; done

Thank you for helping. This produced output that, I think, is too
large to post here (1066 lines). But it certainly listed the .tfm
files for the Minion fonts, along with the .vf files, and the .pfb
files, all of which are in: /usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/

  |>  find /usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/ -name \*.map | while read FILE; do grep "${FILE##*/}" /var/lib/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg; done

This second produced a null output. And following up on that hint, 
and with the help of /usr/share/doc/tex-common/TeX-on-Debian.txt,
I was able to create 10local.cfg in /etc/texmf/updmap.d/ with:

  Map pmn.map

This basically solved the problem. xdvi and dvips behave correctly and
I can view and print the documents as I'd like to be able to.

The exception seems to be ghostview---it displays and prints a series
of boxes where the glyphs ought to be. And pdflatex doesn't quite
work (there are ligatures, like th, that it can't find, also some
accented characters). 

But these are details, and mostly the problem is solved, and I'm
grateful for your help,


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