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Re: Games on a Redmond virtual machine.

On Wed, 19 Mar 2008 09:55:38 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:

> Operative portion "for 90% of the software out there for Windows".
> Starcraft falls in the other 10%.  So your anecdote does not invalidate
> his statement since he acknowledged that wine doesn't work for
> everything.

That 90% figure seems to ring true on my Fedora system, where I'm using
the very latest version of Wine. Here on Etch, with a much older version
from the repository, I can't believe my Wine success rate is any where
near as good, but so far I've always managed to find at least one program
that meets my needs. So I'm perfectly happy.

I suppose it different for gamers though. Games aren't interchangeable
like other software. If your favourite game doesn't work, you're not going
to be very happy with an alternative just because it falls into that
successful 90% category.

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