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Re: what is where in the iso-images

> The Debian-Website is embarassing!

That's not exactly the word I would have used, but I tend to agree.

> Where are the hints that if you want a debian with kde, you should
> download this file: [filename]?

What gives you the impression that you need a specific image to install
KDE? Debian doesn't have different flavours for each desktop environment
like Ubuntu has.

> Where are the catalogues of the iso-images, so that i can find out: If
> I want to install KDE _LATER_ (of course i choosed the wrong file and
> have a working model of gnome now, and the local aptitude has no kde
> found) I need to download THIS CD-Image?

Both Gnome and KDE should be on the first disk. I don't know about wine,
but I bet it's in the first DVD.

> Why is there no possibility to search?

Yes, that's been requested numerous times and nobody has done it

> I begin understanding what Windows Users say,

Sentences starting like this won't improve the quality of the reponses
you receive. :)

> Linux is really not easy
> to install if there are such difficulities in the very beginning.

Do many Windows converts really start with questions like yours? If you
don't know Linux, how do you know you want KDE, Gnome or anything else?

If you don't know anything, you download the first image (in the worst
case, you download them all), accept default installation parameters and
you get a more or less beautiful Gnome desktop. That's quite a good
start for a desktop system and Debian makes it easy to change the
desktop environment later on.

> Why is the debian Homepage with so little useful information? Blobs
> over blobs of text fills your eyes, but where's the information??

This is ridiculous. There *is* a whole lot of information. The website's
problem lies in its structure and presentation (and in some parts it's
out-of-date), but it doesn't lack information.

> Can someone give me a hint?

Yes, there is a German language mailing list as well
(debian-user-german). :)

By the way, just out of curiosity: what made you choose Debian instead
of another distribution? Not that I think it's a bad choice (I started
using Linux with Debian potato), but it's not the most obvious choice.

I lust after strangers but only date people from the office.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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