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Is this mingw bug?

I am trying to compile some program with mingw but I get some
strange behavior. The problem is with long long int numbers
and/or shift operator.

When I compile simple program (included bellow) with linux gcc
I get result that I expect:

$ ./big_num
sizoef(tick): 8
Big number: 4611686018427387904

If I compile it with i586-mingw32msvc-gcc this is what I get

$ wine big_num.exe
Sizoef(tick): 8
Big number: 0
Wine exited with a successful status

Anybody know what the problem can be?
Is it wingw, wine, or windows?
And how do I use long long int variables on windows platform?

#include <stdio.h>

main(int argc, char **argv)
        long long int tick = 1;
        printf("sizoef(tick): %d\n", sizeof(tick));
        tick <<=  62;
        printf("Big number: %lld\n", tick);

        return 0;


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