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Re: tapes best for backup?

On 01/04/08 20:21, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
On Fri, Jan 04, 2008 at 12:04:05PM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
On 01/04/08 10:23, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
On Thu, Jan 03, 2008 at 09:56:19PM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
On 01/03/08 20:30, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
Right.  What about things of great sentimental value?  E.g. family
photos?  What about financial records?  Sure 7 GB is chickenfeed.  It
fits on one DVD.  However, to put that on the shelf, what to use to make
it last?
Chickenfeed is still important... to chickens.

So I wasn't trying to denigrate your 7GB of important data, but to
express that, in today's world, tape would be a radically cost-
inefficient means of storing only 7GB.

If a reputable archival company like Iron Mountain offers on-line
storage, then I'd encrypt it and drop it on their servers.
So how do they store it?  If they're just going to drop it onto a hard
drive and forget about it, how is that different than me putting it on 2
hard drives: one on a backup server that runs so that hard drive errors
show up; one in an external case that gets a fresh backup put on it
every month or so and goes to the bank's safety deposit box?  Or, if
they're just going to archive it in a tape library, how is that
different than me putting it on a tape and putting that in the bank?
Nothing... except expertise.  It's their *job* to monitor the SAN,
replacing failed disks, taking backups, etc.

So, ultimatly, for reliability, it ends up on tape.  On-line storage
places amortize the cost of a tape drive over the number of people's
data it takes to fill a tape(s) (well, you get what I mean I hope).

Yes.  Except expect it's on disk *and* tape.

So if one could get an older-model tape drive (say, some version of DLT),
tape remains the best for on-the-shelf off-line archival purposes?

Yeah. But only for amounts -- and importance (think SOX or Big Brother) -- of data that justifies the cost of good drives and relatively expensive tapes.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

"I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals, I'm a vegetarian
because I hate vegetables!"

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