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Re: I am ANGRY with Debian.

Hi again,

cothrige <cothrige@bellsouth.net> writes:

> Does that then mean that the Ubuntu Emacs does include the docs
> that Debian removes?

It's a bit more complicated than that because there are several
Emacs package suites in Debian:

 - Emacs 21 is packaged in Debian as two source packages, emacs21
   and emacs21-non-dfsg, the latter includes documentation and other
   files deemed unsuitable for main, and is in Debian's non-free
   section.  In Ubuntu these packages are kept as is, but are
   present together in the main section.  So yes, Ubuntu includes
   docs that Debian removes, but as two separate packages.

 - The package that started this thread, emacs-snapshot, includes
   all the upstream source including documentation, and is currently
   in Debian main (but I asked for its removal a few months ago
   after orphaning it).  I'm still maintaining it outside Debian as
   one package with documentation, which Ubuntu also includes (in
   main).  (emacs-snapshot is a packaged version of the Emacs CVS
   version, and currently corresponds to Emacs 22.1.)

 - There are emacs22 and emacs22-non-dfsg packages (based on an
   older pretest release) in Debian experimental (respectively main
   and non-free), and they are not in Ubuntu as far as I can tell.


 : :' :        Romain Francoise <rfrancoise@debian.org>
 `. `'         http://people.debian.org/~rfrancoise/

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