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Re: How to mount ext3 so the files belong to a specific user?

Martin Marcher wrote:
2007/11/14, Kent West <westk@acu.edu>:
I have a partition that I'm mounting in a specific user's home
directory, and want that user to be able to read/write to that partition.

However, I've been unable to find (google, man, etc) any way to
accomplish this; the few hints I have found indicate it works fine with
a VFAT partition, or that you can manually chown the perms after the
mount, but it seems crazy to me that you'd not be able to set ownership
at mount time.

AFAIK, you can't do that with ext2/3/xfs/reiser/... because they store
the permissions inside the file system. that means if you mount the
filesystem all files belong to specific uid/gid that may or may not
match to your system (e.g I'm pretty sure if I chown -R 65434:65434
/mnt/harddisk and give that to you you will just see the number and
not any user name)

Tying this in with Jochen's answer...

So, it's not the permissions of the mount point that matter; it's the permission of the root of the partition on that mount point.

Okay, now that makes sense. (Forget my extreme rambling about this situation being nuts.)

But wow. Not intuitive.

Thanks! That gets me back on the road to progress!


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