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Re: How to mount ext3 so the files belong to a specific user?

2007/11/14, Kent West <westk@acu.edu>:
> I have a partition that I'm mounting in a specific user's home
> directory, and want that user to be able to read/write to that partition.

> However, I've been unable to find (google, man, etc) any way to
> accomplish this; the few hints I have found indicate it works fine with
> a VFAT partition, or that you can manually chown the perms after the
> mount, but it seems crazy to me that you'd not be able to set ownership
> at mount time.

AFAIK, you can't do that with ext2/3/xfs/reiser/... because they store
the permissions inside the file system. that means if you mount the
filesystem all files belong to specific uid/gid that may or may not
match to your system (e.g I'm pretty sure if I chown -R 65434:65434
/mnt/harddisk and give that to you you will just see the number and
not any user name)



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