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chroot testing of apache installation with multiple fqdn


I am testing out the installation of some software that involves specifying 
hostname information for the install.  I have set up a minimal chroot 
environment and downloaded all of the debian packages and the other software 
that is needed to build it.  

I am using this on my laptop that is brought back and forth from home to work.  
While at work, I have a static routable address assigned to me via dhcp.  At 
home, the laptop sits on my private lan with a 192.168.1.*. statically 

One of the pieces of software I install is apache and a routeable 
address/hostname is required as part of the install procedure for apache and 
some of the other software.

If I do the install testing from home with my 192.168.1.* address in my chroot 
environment, things work fine.  However, if I am at work testing the install 
done at home, then the apache web server won't be able to start.  Likewise, 
installs done at work and then tested at home have issues when starting 

Is there a way to set up my chroot environment (or perhaps it is an apache 
issue) that allows me the freedom to move the machine from one network to 
another and just always go to the localhost instead of the actual machine 
name/routeable address while still allow apache to start up regardless of 
where the initial apache installation was done?

Thanks for any insight into this matter.

John Schmidt


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