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Re: Tool to configure sound

On Sun, Oct 28, 2007 at 05:21:52PM +0100, Bruno Costacurta wrote:
> Hello,
> I installed Debian Etch but have no sound at all.
> Previous Fedora installation gave sounds so probably my Etch is missing some 
> setup.

there are several possible things:

1. you aren't in the audio group (adduser <you> audio, log out and
   back in).

2. your mixer is set to 0 volume. run alsamixer and review all the

3. despite the apparently correct modules being inserted, sometimes it
   just doesn't work out of the box. If the above things don't work,
   you could try modprobe -r all the sound modules, then do a
   udevtrigger to reload them and see what happens. 

if none of the above help, post back up as there are several people
who are very adept at solving sound issues here.


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