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Re: Silly question: Where's eth0?

On 10/23/07, Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum <bg271828@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I know this must be an incredibly dumb question, but i cant find my eth0
> interface.
> I normally use a WiFi connection on my laptop, running Etch with Gnome.
> But i just brought the computer into an office, plugged in an Ethernet cable,
> and waited for NetworkManager to pick it up. And waited. And waited.
> Eventually i took a look at the Desktop -> Administration -> Networking tool,
> and there was not eth0 listed there, and then i ran ifconfig and eth0 isnt there
> either.
> My /etc/network/interfaces does have "allow-hotplug eth0" in it. And i am getting
> flashing lights from the plugged-in Ethernet port, so it's not a dead connection.
> Why is this interface missing for me, and how do i get it back?

It is most likely due to udev. Udev does weird things to network card names.
Try using eth1 or possibly eth2. If those do not work, it may be another issue.


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