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Re: UPDATE: Always falling to grub prompt (now I don't even have prompt)

Victor Munoz wrote:
Currently, my /etc/fstab is:

/dev/hdd2 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
/dev/hdd1 /boot ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 2
/dev/hdd3 none swap sw 0 0
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda /media/cdrom udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
/dev/fda /media/floppy auto rw,user,noauto 0 0

All menu.lst entries are of the form:

root (hd1,1)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-<version> root=/dev/hdd2 ro
initrd /boot/initrd.img-<version>

And device.map is, as before:

(hd0) /dev/hdc
(hd1) /dev/hdd

And I have two bootable partitions, /dev/hdc (Windows), and /dev/hdd1
(/boot partition).

I've tried several things: boot from Debian Live CD/Etch Disk 1/Gparted Live
CD, then change the order of entries in /etc/fstab,
changing the pass-number parameter in /etc/fstab (hdd1 and hdd2
had pass number 1, and I changed it to be 2 and 1, respectively, have
run update-initramfs again, but nothing.
I understand that, now that partitions are in order, /dev/hdd2, which
is the root filesystem according to fstab, will be (hd1,1) for grub, and
that kernels should be found in (hd1,1)/boot/, thus the "kernel" line
in menu.lst should be /boot/vmlinuz, if root="(hd1,1)". Right?
I think the 'root' command should specify the partition where the boot directory is located, so it should be (hd1,0) rather than (hd1,1). Furthermore, the kernels are not located on the hdd2-partition, so they are not in (hd1,1)/boot/, but they are in (hd1,0)/
So you could try to change your entries in menu.lst to:

root (hd1,0)
kernel (hd1,0)/vmlinuz-<version> root=/dev/hdd2 ro
initrd (hd1,0)/initrd.img-<version>

or, omitting the device-specification in the 'kernel' and 'initrd' command (since the device is equal to the root device):

root (hd1,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-<version> root=/dev/hdd2 ro
initrd /initrd.img-<version>


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