Re: What would *really* help you (was Re: Thinking about ...)
On Sep 6, 4:10 am, Ron Johnson <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 09/05/07 22:39, blues wrote:
> [snip]
> > This is where I am up to this point: I have an IMac running Yellow
> > Dog, and an old 733Mhz PC running Knoppix Live, and they are both
> > connected to a router via ethernet cables....I also have PCs running
> > XP and Vista that I can connect to the router whenever I need to, but
> > at the time they are connected wirelessly to the main router in the
> > house....I am now going to try to run some of the things suggested
> > earlier in this post and read, read ,read....wish me luck!!
> Add a 2nd NIC (and wireless card) into your oldest/slowest
> (expandable) Linux box and make that into your firewalling router.
> (You might have to buy a $50 desktop, though, and make that the router.)
> Or if that's not physically possible or maybe too noisy, buy any one
> of a number of supporters wifi routers and upgrade it to a fully
> functional Linux system.
> - --
> Ron Johnson, Jr.
> Jefferson LA USA
> Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day.
> Hit him with a fish, and he goes away for good!
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I do have a very limited knowledge of Linux and the distros. I bought
YDL 3 years ago when I first got into Linux OS because I had 3 old-
world PowerMacs and I wanted to start learning how to use Linux to
network. However, I never had any success in getting the old worlds
to even install, and I tried many, many times! Since I had a copy of
YDL, I bought a new world IMac and had no trouble installing YDL, but
I have not used it much. Since then, I have been dual-booting FC2 and
XP on my favorite desktop, but I rarely use FC2 - I just did the dual-
boot to see if I could do it right and have a Linux partition to play
around with.
Now, I am about to graduate from the Univ of Memphis with a degree
from our business college (I dont know why) in Information Systems,
but in all honesty, we have had very little hands-on experience with
Linux. So, I want to set up a network in my room, consisting of
whatever hardware needed (I have a lot of old stuff and am willing to
buy more if needed) and learn the skills I will need to achieve my
goal, which is to be a Sys Admin and maintain a network.
As a part-time job, I have about 50 customers (mostly over the age of
60) that I do at-home computer support and teaching. My job consists
mostly of assisting them with email (attachments and such), web
browsing and just general computer usage. All of this is Xp or Vista,
of course, and therefore I maintain a laptop running Vista (which I
regret buying) and a desktop running XP so that I can stay current.
All of this is to say that if I had a choice, I would run everything
Linux...but I have to try to stay current with MS for the sake of my
part-time job, which has paid a lot of my bills recently.
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