Wired fontconfig behavior
Hi list,
I set alias of monospace in my ${HOME}/.fonts.conf like this:
| <alias>
| <family>monospace</family>
| <prefer>
| <family>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono</family>
| <family>FZXiYuan-M01S</family>
| </prefer>
| </alias>
but with fc-match, I found the latter have a higher position:
| gnawux@stream:~$ fc-match -s "monospace"|head
| fzyljw.ttf: "FZXiYuan-M01S" "Regular"
| VeraMono.ttf: "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" "Roman"
| ...
where the FZXiYuan is a Chinese font. Even if I substitute FZXiYuan
with another Chinese fonts and substitute bitstream with another
Lattin fonts, it behaviors like above.
The same thing occured on serif and sans-serif also, however, for
bitstream fonts, it works well, for instance
| <alias>
| <family>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono</family>
| <prefer>
| <family>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono</family>
| <family>FZXiYuan-M01S</family>
| </prefer>
| </alias>
and with fc-match:
| gnawux@stream:~$ fc-match -s "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono"|head
| VeraMono.ttf: "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" "Roman"
| fzyljw.ttf: "FZXiYuan-M01S" "Regular"
What's wrong with monospace, sans-serif, and serif?
any ideas?
Thank you!
Wang Xu
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