Re: upgrading ubuntu to debian
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On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 02:07:13PM +0200, Joe Hart wrote:
> On Thursday 30 August 2007 20:19:06 Britton Kerin wrote:
> > I just bought a computer that came with ubuntu and would like to switch
> > it to pure debian. Is there a standard way to do this that someone
> > could point me to?
> >
> > (Though I will say that little hack where the shell tells you which
> > package a program is in looks pretty cute and helpful :)
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Britton
> There are plenty of messages in this thread to make one think that it is
> possible to convert from Debian to Ubuntu and vice versa, but let me point
> out one thing that many have overlooked.
> Since Ubuntu uses sudo for everything, when using programs that require root
> access expect the user password, not the root one. So if you enable the root
> account, you might think, OK, I need to use the root password here (after all
> early versions of Ubuntu actually asked for the root password) but no, it
> still wants the user password (the first user, who is defined in the sudoers
> file)
> AFAIK, gksu and kdesu both act this way, as does the "administrator mode" in
> the GUI apps. From what I understand, these utilities are hacked to use
> sudo.
> Do yourself a favor and just backup /home and install Debian, then slowly but
> surely copy the files from the backup to the new /home. Be careful though,
> different versions of some programs have different configurations, and can
> cause problems if you're using a config file for a different version of a
> program.
> Joe
I actually remember that forcing programs to use sudo (and gksudo)
instead of root is in gconf, I just forget exactly where. Maybe someone
else can point Joe and I in the right direction.
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restrict the use of these programs.
- Richard Stallman
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