Re: Shut down or leave on?
Hi there,
On Sun, 2 Sep 2007 Cousin Stanley wrote:
> > My previous server used 100 Watts on average.
> >
> > If left on 24/7, that's 61,320 hours a year,
> > or 6,132,000 Watt-hours or 6,132 kWh.
> > ....
> The number of hours per year that you used
> in your calculation seems a bit high ....
> hours_per_day = 24
> days_per_year = 366
> hours_per_year = hours_per_day * days_per_year
> print '\n ' , hours_per_year
> 8784
That's still a little bit high, actually:
~$> echo "24 * 365.25" | bc
but I only did this to illustrate the more compact use of some system
tools, in this case 'echo', 'bc' and a pipe. :)
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