Re: Shut down or leave on?
>> The number of hours per year that you used
>> in your calculation seems a bit high ....
>> hours_per_day = 24
>> days_per_year = 366
>> hours_per_year = hours_per_day * days_per_year
>> print '\n ' , hours_per_year
>> 8784
> Just out of idle interest, what did you do that in?
> I tried it in bc and needed to use double quotes.
Richard ....
That code is a copy/paste from an interactive Python session
with the >>> prompt characters stripped from the beginning
of the lines ....
Python can cope with either single or double quotes ....
print "Yo Ho Ho"
print "And a Bottle o' Rum"
print '42 Boogers'
print "On Yo Mama's Thumb"
Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona
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