Help! Update screwed my box up 'automagically'!
No idea whats gone wrong - I did a get updates thing using dselect
whilst installing some other software and find loads of my
configurations have changed.
I guess its a result of this:
First, my /boot/grub/menu.lst has been dicked around with:
- originally I had two options - multi and single user mode (Debian
GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.18-4-686)
now I have four with kernel 2.6.18-5-86 options higher up the
list...this stopped my network from working unless I select the now not
default option I wanted originally. I remember some operating system
called Windows that dicked around with configuration files without
asking - I avoid it wherever possible.. Don't tell me Debian has gone
this way? *rolls eyes*.
Does this mean my kernel has been updated automatically? Please no.
Secondly, OK so I can delete that crap from my menu.lst or select the
other oirignal options - but now my X sessions all start up in 640x480
(gnome) and I can't change the resolution!
I'd got all this set up nicely, and a simple update dicks around with
stuff and screws up my system - how can this be possible?
I guess I need 'educating' in how Debian operates now, and how to 'undo'
the bad side effects I'm suffering, but if I can't resolve this stuff
I'll switch distros. I've only just updated from Debian3.1 where I
never had such issues - I'm upset and confused.
Thanks for any help,
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