Re: [OT] smart reporting trouble
On 17.07.07 10:26, André Berger wrote:
> Back from vacation, I found messages from smartd (sarge; in
> root's mailbox:
> SMART error (CurrentPendingSector) detected
> The following warning/error was logged by the smartd daemon:
> Device: /dev/hda, 1061 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors
> SMART error (OfflineUncorrectableSector) detected
> The following warning/error was logged by the smartd daemon:
> Device: /dev/hda, 1746 Offline uncorrectable sectors
> The number of unread and uncorrectable sectors seems to be constant
> over two weeks. I'm not sure if I have to replace the HDD?
replace the disk ASAP. I wouldn't trust it.
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