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Fwd: Howto enqueue with no sending in sendmail (SOLVED!)

I answer myself:

I've added to sendmail.mc:
define(`confCON_EXPENSIVE', `True')

Now all mail sent to whateverdomain.com is enqueued but not sent ;)

Not at all ;)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sergio Belkin <sebelk@gmail.com>
Date: 28-ago-2007 11:58
Subject: Howto enqueue with no sending in sendmail
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org

Hi community,
I am performing some tests with sendmail. I have 2 queue groups defined by :

QUEUE_GROUP(`outside',`P=/var/spool/mqueue/outside, R=0, r=10 I=6m')dnl
QUEUE_GROUP(`mqueue',`Path=/var/spool/mqueue, F=f, R=10, r=100, I=1m')dnl

And documentation says
"The maximum number of queue runners for an individual queue group can
be controlled via
the Runners option. If set to 0, entries in the queue will not be
processed, which is useful to ''quar-
antine'' queue files. The number of runners per queue group may also be
set with the option
MaxRunnersPerQueue, which applies to queue groups that have no
individual limit. That is, the
default value for Runners is MaxRunnersPerQueue if set, otherwise 1."

But I set to "0" `outside' queue group and however sendmail keeps on
sending mail.
I've added to access:
QGRP:whateverdomain.com                          outside

I want to mails sent to whateverdomain.com stay in enqueued (because
are only for testing purposes)

How can I do that??
Thanks in advance!
Sergio Belkin -

Sergio Belkin -

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