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Re: Google checking my system?

On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 15:56:16 -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:

> thought it was odd that google, or iceweasel, needed to know anything.
> Of course the entry was dropped when I terminated iceweasel.

I've noticed similar behavior for a few years.  While I've never really 
been pleased with it there isn't much choice unless you feel like 
devoting a good chuck of your time to searching and patching the source.

What concerns me most is that it's never publicized (either to the user 
specifically or in common PR discussions about the internet) about which 
unrequested/automatic connections are being made.  If there's any sort of 
data being exchanged then who writes the protocol for the data exchange?  
Who ensures that the protocol is secure?  In all reality it's probably 
exchanging a completely innocuous bit of data but who ensures that data 
is exchanged in a fashion which isn't as wide open as the recent 
discussions involving URI functionality exploits. ( http://
security.itworld.com/5043/070815URIbrowserflaw/page_1.html )

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