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Re: How to add dir to path

Manon Metten wrote:
Hi Mike,

On 8/7/07, Mike McCarty <Mike.McCarty@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

I do believe he's got it... almost.

Errr... She :-)

Sorry 'bout that! Hard to see what you look like! Abject apologies
and all that.

Also, that's a better quote (from "My Fair Lady").

If ENV_VAR is an environment variable, then the shell interprets

$ENV_VAR as a request to remove $ENV_VAR from the command, and replace
it with the value of ENV_VAR. So...

$ ENV_VAR1="Fred Flintstone"

sets ENV_VAR2 to be the value of ENV_VAR at the time of the assignment,
or "Fred Flintstone".


Ooopsies! Should have been ENV_VAR1

sets ENV_VAR2 to be "ENV_VAR1".

This is confusing me. I understand that if ENV_VAR is an environment
than $ENV_VAR represents ENV_VARs value.

But this I don't understand:

$ ENV_VAR1="Fred Flintstone"

Should have been $ENV_VAR1

sets ENV_VAR2 to be the value of ENV_VAR at the time of the assignment,
or "Fred Flintstone".

Did you mean


(notice the 1 at the end)? If so, than it's clear. Or was the value of

Yes, sorry for all the typos. I think I must have gone back and added
the "1" on the end, and messed up.


Greetings and many thanks for explaining, Manon.

Very welcome, and sorry 'bout the gender mixup and typos.

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