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Re: How to add dir to path

Hi Mike,

On 8/7/07, Mike McCarty <Mike.McCarty@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

I do believe he's got it... almost.

Errr... She :-)

If ENV_VAR is an environment variable, then the shell interprets
$ENV_VAR as a request to remove $ENV_VAR from the command, and replace
it with the value of ENV_VAR. So...

$ ENV_VAR1="Fred Flintstone"

sets ENV_VAR2 to be the value of ENV_VAR at the time of the assignment,
or "Fred Flintstone".


sets ENV_VAR2 to be "ENV_VAR1".

This is confusing me. I understand that if ENV_VAR is an environment variable
than $ENV_VAR represents ENV_VARs value.

But this I don't understand:

$ ENV_VAR1="Fred Flintstone"

sets ENV_VAR2 to be the value of ENV_VAR at the time of the assignment,
or "Fred Flintstone".

Did you mean


(notice the 1 at the end)? If so, than it's clear. Or was the value of ENV_VAR
at the time of the assignment also "Fred Flintstone", so that both ENV_VAR
and ENV_VAR1 have the same value? Or do you mean that ENV_VAR1 &
ENV_VAR2 are subsequent values of ENV_VAR?

$ PATH=xyz:$PATH

sets PATH (not $PATH) to be the string "xyz:" followed by
the value PATH had before the assignment took place.

OK, this is clear.

You might also look into the use of ~/.bashrc
BTW, it's common to use $HOME instead of "~" as not all tools
know to expand it when it is used in environment variables.
Like this:

$ export PATH=$HOME/scripts:$PATH

OK, done. Didn't know that either.

Greetings and many thanks for explaining, Manon.


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