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My experience with Lenny.

  I've being using Lenny Official Snapshot i386 NETINST Binary-1 20070725-21:16 from that date on.

  I just compiled and installed my personal Linux kernel optimized for Pentium D. It seems to me that most programs work faster with the default kernel 2.6.21-2-686, as it does not recognize SMP and a single CPU get all bus cycles.

  The major problem I had was to configure /etc/X11/xorg.conf for this monitor Samsung SyncMaster 740n, as I had to configure it manually.

  Another problem is openoffice.org-impress_2.0.4.dfsg.2-7etch1_i386.deb that crashes sometimes, I do not know exactly why.

  Gnash is good for Flash 7 presentations, as it misses some Flash 8 features. But Macromedia's player 9 works perfectly.

  I would like to install iTunes to buy a single music clip, but some work needs to be done for wine.

  All other installed programs seem to work fine.

  My biggest surprise was GnomeBaker, as it saved me from the need to install K3B.

  locale: My current LANG=pt_BR.UTF-8 Wouldn't the correct be pt_BR.utf-8 ?

  I'm in general satisfied with this distro. It is very near to stable.

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