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Re: essential services? ssh, nfs?

On Sun, 29 Jul 2007, Tyler Smith wrote:


I'm working through the security quick start how to, and I'm not clear
on what services are required and which ones I can safely remove. I'm
running a single laptop, which I connect to the net via wireless at
home or at cafes, and via an ethernet cable at work.

1) I never login remotely, so I think I can safely do away with

tcp6        *:ssh                   *:*       LISTEN     3026/sshd

2) The how-to suggests that for my setup I don't need anything to do
with NFS - netstat reports rpc.statd and portmap as listening. Can I
just purge nfs-common and portmap?

tcp         *:37381                 *:*       LISTEN     2603/rpc.statd
tcp         *:sunrpc                *:*       LISTEN     2578/portmap

3) I have apache installed as a dependency of doc-central. netstat
shows it to be listening to all interfaces. Is there a way to set it
to listen only for local connections? I don't understand this very
well, but it seems I shouldn't need to listen to anyone from the
outside to connect to my docs.

tcp         *:www                   *:*       LISTEN     3826/apache

4) The only remaining listeners I have are:

tcp         localhost:929           *:*       LISTEN     3721/famd
tcp         *:auth                  *:*       LISTEN     3661/inetd
tcp         localhost:smtp          *:*       LISTEN     3385/exim4

What is auth? Since famd and exim4 are only listening to localhost,
can I conclude they are not a security risk?

Thanks for your help,



the general rule of thumb, is if you dont use it, turn it off. I'd turn off almost every thing. You can leave exim and famd on. to turn auth off, you can edit /etc/inetd.conf and comment out the line that starts with ident.

for portmap:
update-rc.d -f portmap remove
for rpc.statd:
update-rc.d -f rpc.statd remove
update-rc.d -f ssh remove

to bind apache to the localhost, in /etc/apache2/ports.conf change the Listen 80 to Listen, then restart apache.

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