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Forcing Postfix SMTP client to use AUTH LOGIN

I am trying to get Postfix (2.3) to relay mail via an upstream server
running exim 4.60.

The exim server requires SMTP AUTH and in response to EHLO advertises
that it supports both AUTH PLAIN and AUTH LOGIN. However, it is
broken. AUTH PLAIN doesn't work, only AUTH LOGIN works.

I have verified this both by setting up kmail to send via the exim
host and by logging in by hand using telnet. In both cases, the exim
server refuses to accept the username and password sent via AUTH
PLAIN, but happily accepts the same username and password with AUTH

However I do not seem to be able to tell postfix to use AUTH LOGIN.
I have "mech_list: LOGIN" in smtpd.conf but the log files reveal that
it is still using AUTH PLAIN.

How do I force postfix to use AUTH LOGIN when it seems determined to
ignore my smtpd.conf?


Be kind to pigeons        - -        Pigeon's Nest: http://pigeonsnest.co.uk/
GPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x21C61F7F

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