Re: Mailing list problems with Thunderbird
Sam Leon wrote:
> Ok, I have had this problem for awhile and I can't find any info on it.
> I am using thunderbird 1.5 in testing. All the other mailing lists that
> I have subscribed to work fine. When I see a post that I want to
> respond to, I simply click the Reply button and it will bring up a new
> box with the message and the "To" field will be set to the correct
> mailing list.
> However with all the debian lists, if I click reply, it will open a new
> box and the "To" field will be set to the user that sent the message and
> not the debian list. I will have to delete the users name, and then
> manually type in the correct list. Sometimes using "Reply to all" will
> kinda work. The original user will be in the "To" field and the list
> will be in the "CC" field, sometimes but not always.
According to
the replytolist feature is introduced since icedove onwards. What
is your version of thunderbird or icedove?
> I don't know. Anyone know what I am talking about? Is this just
> "normal"?
This question comes up pretty frequently. Your best bet is to use
thunderbird version which has replytolist feature or install the extension
which provides this feature or use an email client which knows how to deal
with mailing lists (Ex :- kmail, mutt etc.,) or use a news reader (Ex :-
knode) to read the list via a newsgroup.
You might also want to read which tells that this
bug has not been fixed upstream in around 7 years!
Kamaraju S Kusumanchi
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