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Re: pdflatex from TeXLive produces much bigger pdf-file than in teTeX?

On 5/21/07, Jörg-Volker Peetz <peetz@scai.fraunhofer.de> wrote:
Kushal Kumaran wrote:
> I hope you mean the file size has increased, not the page count.
> The newer pdflatex embeds all (most?) fonts in the pdf file.  Try
> running pdffonts on pdf files produced by different versions of
> pdflatex.  I believe this is typically what you want, especially when
> outputting camera-ready pdfs for printing, etc.
Thank you for your reply. Indeed, I mean the file size. The pdf-files
viewed with xpdf look exactly the same with the same number of pages.
pdffonts show the same list of fonts, besides the names are shown
differently, e.g., "RUKMHG+CMSS10" and "YPMWQI+CMSS10".

The third column of the pdffonts output (emb) tells you whether that
font is embedded in the file or not.

If you use dvipdf, you can use the options documented in the
ghostscript manual to tune the output.  I've no idea how to do that
when using pdflatex.


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