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Re: how to clear mbr

Greg Folkert wrote:
On Tue, 2007-05-15 at 23:37 -0700, Serena Cantor wrote:
I am installing Win2k, which will co-exist with sarge
I believe sarge install lilo at mbr, this cause trouble for win2k's installation.
So I should clear mbr.

which linux command should I use?

        dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1

That will erase any MBR.

It also removes the partition table and makes them inaccessible.

 If your drive is not /dev/hda then please use
the proper one (such as /dev/hde or /dev/sda or what have you)

Please remember also, that Windows REQUIRES the use of the first Primary
partition and it *WILL* assume it is the ONLY operating system to be on
the machine. This WILL cause you difficulty.

But you can then install Etch, and be happy.

Most BIOS's allow selection of the boot drive on powerup, which seems like a cleaner and far simpler solution to me, requiring modification of the booting schemes of any installed operating systems.

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