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Setup PATH for X Window (urxvt)


I try to setup PATH permanently for X Window, that is for urxvt, in 
which must to run brlcad.

brlcad is here: /usr/brlcad/bin

Now, if I run mged (editor for brlcad) I must to open urxvt, then setup 
PATH for brlcad and then can run mged.

I want to setup PATH permanently to can run brlcad without setting up 
every time the PATH.

I try to write these:
export PATH

in several places:
mcedit /etc/profile
mcedit ~/.xsession.d/10auto-start
mcedit .bash_profile
mcedit .xsession
mcedit ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/autostart

but env shows me that the PATH have not setup to brlcad:

How can I setup PATH for brlcad permanently?

Regards, Paul Csányi

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